Home Remedies for Glowing Skin and a Glowing Soul Part 1

Thursday 31 January 2019


Hello beauties

Is it just me or can life get pretty stressful sometimes? I'm in my first year of A levels which means inevitably, the essays are coming thick and fast. As a driven person, I'm prepared to work hard and do whatever it takes to get where I want to be. However on top of the work flow and looming deadlines, we're inundated with a million and one things to do, people to see, problems to solve. And of course, I'm not saying these are all bad things by any means. We need our friends and family more than anything in the world (apart from food and water, naturally). But the fact remains that it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain a healthy equilibrium between our work and social lives.

It's not just the palpable pressures that can manifest stress. Sometimes, it's the underlying emotional pressures which can do the most damage to our well-being. As I've explored before, we live in a society now that is immersed in unrealistic beauty and insidious ideals. Whether it be through social media or magazines, it is morphing body image and inciting a firestorm of anxiety about everything from how we look, to what we eat, to how much exercise we should be doing.

When all these combined pressures build up, it can feel really overwhelming. We try to divide all our time and energy between friends, family, work, gym, social media, cooking, sleeping and so much more in our hectic lives. Yet if we try to put 100% into everything we do, all we're creating is an exponential equation of stress.

It's not often that we can find time to take a step back from it all and have a bit of well-earned me-time. I cannot 'stress' the importance that we should be congratulating ourselves, rewarding ourselves and acknowledging daily how goddamned amazing we are. Without that self-love, we will never reach our full potential.

The most simple way to manage stress is to say no to more things, to put yourself first every once in a while and just give yourself that time of day. Honestly, you will feel so much better for it. When I'm stressed, my typical routine is that I do a lot of Pilates, eat a lot of dark chocolate and watch a lot of reality TV (Made In Chelsea all the way). But for me, the ultimate way to de-stress is to have a good pampering sesh.

In today's post, I'm going to be showing you how you can turn your humble abode into a fully-fledged spa.

Although I buy loads of products, I also love to use natural ingredients on my skin since they do not contain harmful chemicals or irritants. You might be thinking that DIY beauty treatments sound like a whole lot of effort but trust me they're so worth it. For one thing, making the recipes is super therapeutic and fun. Made from inexpensive, store-cupboard ingredients, each of these skincare treatments will give glowing results and help relax the mind without breaking the bank. So grab a spoon and a mixing bowl, grab some scented candles, put on a Spotify spa playlist and relax...


Arguably the most essential step to your skincare routine, a morning and evening cleanse will help detoxify the skin and get rid of excess oils, dirt and pollutants built up over the course of the day. This DIY honey and aloe vera cleanser is super easy to make and is suitable for all skin types.

Why Is It Good?

• Including aloe vera in your daily skincare routine will keep your skin clear and silky smooth. As well as being moisturising, aloe vera is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which helps reduce redness, even out complexion and clear skin of blemishes.
• Honey is quite possibly the Queen B of skincare. Naturally anti-bacterial, she is a powerful treatment for a number of conditions such as acne. Packing a punch of vitamins, minerals and antioxidant, honey intensely hydrates and nourishes the skin giving you a natural glow.

What You Need:

3 oz honey
3 oz aloe vera gel
1 tbsp coconut oil (if you don't have this, you can substitute for extra virgin olive oil, sweet almond oil, Jojoba oil, or avocado oil)

How To Make It

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl until well combined. And that's it. This cleanser can be stored in a sealed jar or air-tight container at room temperature for a couple of months. If you are using fresh aloe vera, store cleanser in the fridge to preserve the aloe.

Before applying, shake the cleanser. Using a spoon, take a small amount of cleanser (about the size of a pea) and massage into the face. Leave for a minute to absorb the goodness. Gently remove the cleanser. Rinse, and pat dry with a soft towel.


There are a number of conflicting ideas about what a toner really does. And some have even questioned whether it is necessary at all. Well, I'm here to tell you sister, that toner is your best friend. After cleansing, a cotton pad doused in this underrated little potion will help close the pores, restore the Ph of your skin and reduce cleanser residue.

Green Tea, Lemongrass Toner

Used by the likes of the Victoria Secret angels, this easy, natural toner is a must-try.

Why Is It Good?

• Green tea is not just a Beveridge; it's a magical drink for the skin? Abundant in antioxidant, it helps to heal and protect damaged skin from environmental stresses, in turn slowing down the process of premature ageing. As well as having anti-microbial qualities, it also contains tannins which act as an astringent, removing excess oils, tightening pores and mattifying the skin.
• Lemongrass is also a key ingredient to brighten up your day and your skin. Frequently used in aromatherapy, lemongrass is renowned for its invigorating scent, helping to calm the mind and balance mood. In addition, its antiseptic properties help to clear skin of breakouts and prevent future ones from appearing.

What You Will Need:

1 cup water
2 green teabags
2 stalks lemongrass, finely chopped
Cotton pads

How To Make It:

• In a medium saucepan, place the water and lemongrass, and bring to the boil.
• Once boiling, take off the heat and drop in the green tea bags. Let steep for 3-5 minutes.
• Remove tea bag and allow to cool slightly.
• Place cotton pads into the pan and leave them to soak up the liquid for an hour or so. When they're ready, take the cotton pads out, put them in a zip-lock bag and place in the freezer overnight. In the morning, get a pad out and rub it all over your face after cleansing. This feels really cooling and soothing on the skin, a perfect way to start the day.

• An alternative way of doing this method is: after making the tea, pour the water into an ice cube tray. Freeze for at least two hours or overnight. Once frozen, pop out a cube and rub the ice cube in circular motions around your face. I like to hold it on each eye for about ten seconds each, too. When ice cube is almost melted or you just can't take the cold longer, pat your face dry with a clean cloth.

Apple Cider Vinegar Toner

Yep, I know it sounds kinda weird but stay with me on this one.

Why Is It Good?

• The acids present in ACV exfoliate dead skin and reveals a fresh, healthy layer of skin cells.
• ACV is also an astringent and will prevent your pores from getting infected and inflamed.

How To Make It:

• Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar with one part water.
• Soak a cotton ball in the liquid and swipe over the face.
• Leave overnight and wash off in the morning.

Caution: If you have sensitive skin, it's probably best to go with the green tea. But if you have normal to combination skin, this ACV alternative is really effective.


The honey and aloe cleanser is nourishing on its own so it's not essential that you moisturise as well. However, if you feel you need an extra boost of hydration, then a dab of coconut oil will do the trick.

Why Is It Good?

 • Coconut oil has antimicrobial properties which will keep the skin clean and infection-free.
• It also protects your skin from UV rays.


It's important to exfoliate 2-3 times a week, in order to get rid of dead skin which can clog the pores. A weekly scrub is also going to brighten your complexion no end.

Almond Scrub

Why Is It Good?

• Massaging ground almonds and wheat germ into the skin stimulates release of vitamin E. This is essential for skin health.
• Lemon is rich in vitamin C which acts as a skin brightening agent.

What You Will Need:

30g ground almonds
20g wheat germ or oat bran
8 tbsp honey
zest of 1 unwaxed lemon

How To Make It:

• Mix together the ingredients till well combined.
• Store in a jar or air-tight container.

Stay tuned for part 2 where I share my gorgeous home-made glow masks and more. xx

10 Ways to Believe in Yourself

Tuesday 8 January 2019


Hello beauties,

So 2019 is well under way and between me and you, I have a strong feeling that this year is going to be a pretty amazing one for all of us.

When we talk about New Year's resolutions, we are primarily referring to physical lifestyle changes. These often include going to the gym, eating more healthily and embarking on an Instagram-inspired trend such as Veganuary. While leading an active and healthier lifestyle is positive, I think some people are missing the point. A New Year's resolution should be an ongoing goal. However for most, these lifestyle changes are stuck to resolutely during the month of January and then by February 1st, they are flung straight out the window.

In my opinion, what we should be working towards is feeling good about ourselves and embracing who we are. We should be striving  to create positive changes in not only our outlooks, but also the world around us.

Today's post is all about the power of self-belief. There are times when I feel as though I'm being hit from two sides with people underestimating me because I am both female and disabled. Being susceptible to double discrimination, I have to work twice even three times as hard to be accepted. Growing up, I've noticed in myself how people's preconceptions can really take their toll on your mental health and confidence. But being a driven person, I've never let it stop me or get in my way. Instead it has only motivated me to prove them wrong and be the most successful person I can possibly be.

I want to tell you all that you should always aim high, dream big and never quit on your ambition. I want to show you that you can achieve anything and everything you put your mind too. So without further ado, here are my top ten tips to get you believing in yourself.

1. Make a list of all your past accomplishments.

Before we establish what you are going to achieve, it is important to reflect upon all the things you have excelled at during your life and what you are most proud of. These achievements don't have to be directly related to your future ambitions; they just need to be situations where you showed determination.

After completing your list, try to identify the skills you either used or gained for each achievement. Make a second column and write down these skills.

If you're having a bad day and the self-doubt starts creeping in, these two lists are going to be your main port of call for inspiration and confidence. Serving as a manifestation of your awesomeness, they are there to reinforce your strengths, talents and capabilities whilst also giving those pesky insecurities a kicking.

2. Identify your ultimate ambition.

Granted, you may have a ton of dreams you wish to make a reality, such as meeting your favourite celeb (in my case Shawn Mendes) or owning a Chanel 2.55. And that's brilliant. But at the end of the day, you have to ask yourself a question: what is the most important goal I would like to reach in my life?

Come up with one to three at the very most and write these down in a separate list. Contemplate what your heart truly desires. This is your future and you can do anything you want to do. Therefore, while advice is extremely valuable, don't let yourself be led by others down a path you do not wish to pursue.

Here are my three main ambitions:

• To be a journalist writing for a major publication
• To empower women and girls through my writing
• To work in New York City

Having a clear objective is your key to being successful. It puts everything into focus and provides you with a strong sense of resolve. Particularly on those days where all you want to do is hibernate, these aspirations will get you out of bed and galvanise you to take action.

3. Break ambitions down into bite-size chunks.

Ok, so you know where your end destination lies. But how do you intend to get there?

Say for example, you are catching the train to a place you've never visited before. You wouldn't just jump on the first train that pulls into the platform and hope that it stops off at your destination. Instead, you would plan ahead, checking train times, where it stops etc.

For your future, it's a similar principle. You're going to have to map out your journey, research your area, establish whether there are qualifications you require or certain steps you need to take. Especially if your future goal is a long way off, it's important to consider the amount of time, work and persistence that you will have to maintain.

Breaking ambitions down into smaller milestones will help you stay on track and keep you motivated. As a guide, use the following structure.

Where do I want to be in:
• One year
• Three years
• Five years
• Ten years

4. Dream big but with realistic expectations.

I am a strong believer of the notion that we should always aim high.

On many occasions in my life, people have been sceptical about my potential and some have even suggested I aim lower due to my disability. I've been told that it's unlikely I will get a job for a major publication since they are very competitive. Additionally, people have asked me 'why do you want to work in a different country when you're blind because surely that's just making life harder for yourself?'. Every single time, I have looked them in the eye and said 'no, this is my dream and I am going to achieve it'.

There is a difference between being constructive and downright condescending. If a person straight up tells you that you cannot achieve your goal, then please, please, please do not listen to them. I don't care if that dream crusher's job title is a career's advisor: the fact of the matter is they are talking absolute trash. You are the only person who knows your full potential. And as long as you keep going and keep believing in yourself, then I can guarantee you will get there eventually.

What you have to do though is be open-minded. Say you wanted to run a marathon, having never so much as jogged in your life. You wouldn't just wake up one day and go run a casual 40k because let's be honest you would probably die. Conversely, you would endure months of training, gradually building the distance up and up until you reached the required level of fitness. With your career and other goals, it works the same. Be aware that things don't happen overnight. And if they do, it's incredibly rare.

5. Reward yourself when you reach a milestone.

However major or minor, it is vital that you pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself on your achievements. To celebrate, do the things that make you feel awesome, whether that be going out for cocktails with friends and family; treating yourself to something new; or ordering in a takeaway and catching up on your favourite shows.

6. Measure your progress.

It's important that you can acknowledge how much you've improved overtime as it will help to build your confidence no end. Personally, I've kept every last one of my articles and pieces of writing. Often, I will look back at them and although many of the old pieces make me cringe, I'm able to see how much my writing style has improved which is so positive.

7. Let failure be a lesson, not a setback.

Nobody likes the feeling of failure. When you've put your heart and soul into something and it doesn't pay off, it can feel soul-destroying. And that's normal. But what counts is how you take that failure, how you overcome it and how you move forward towards your goal. Look at it this way: if you made a mistake, at least now you can see where you went wrong. If possible, try to obtain feedback and constructive criticism which will help you establish your weaknesses and how to work on them. If you can go away, take on board that feedback and learn from it, you will come back stronger than ever.

Every person who is successful has failed at something in their lives. For example, JK Rowling, one of the most legendary writers of all time, encountered a number of rejections from publishers before she hit it big. But if she had let those rejections stop her, if she had given up there and then, she would not be where she is today. Plus, we would be living in a world where Harry Potter did not exist which would be the most depressing thing ever.

8. Talk to the people who you love.

If you're seeking reassurance and honesty, then go to the people who you trust the most. They know you better than anybody else and  only want the best for you. Therefore, you can be satisfied that their opinion will be genuine. Whereas, if you go to someone who doesn't know you that well, they are more likely to give a noncommittal or inaccurate response.

9. Don't be afraid to take risks.

Staying in your comfort zone may feel like the idyllic place, but it's really not. You have the potential to do incredible things. However, sitting around and waiting is not going to make the puzzle pieces fall into place. If you want to be successful, you have to put yourself out there and give it everything you've got. What's the worst that could happen? Either you get a rejection which you'll learn from. Or, that risk turns out to be the best decision you've ever made.

At the end of the day, you just don't know which way it will go. But it's a thousand times better to try than not do anything.

10. Own It

Never downplay your successes. Be proud of your accomplishments and don't be afraid to tell people what you're good at.

Sometimes I feel as though our society is built upon a myriad of mixed messages. On the one hand, we are told from a young age that we should be proud of our achievements and strengths. However on the other hand, when we openly express that self-love or pride, there are people out there who will raise their eyebrows and assume we must be narcissistic. I honestly find it ridiculous. We shouldn't be encouraging girls to be modest and demure. We should be empowering them to be strong, independent and ambitious.

Before I leave you, I have one more thing to say. Anything is possible with a little bit of self-belief. Keep going even when the going gets tough, because you will without a shadow of a doubt achieve your dreams.

Alice's Adventures in SohoHoHo

Tuesday 1 January 2019


Hello beauties

Happy New Year! Just to let you know, there are some New Year's inspired motivational posts on the way. However today's post is a write up of my recent adventure. I'll admit it is long overdue; what with a hectic December, I haven't found time to sit down and put pen to paper. But I figure better late than never, right? So here it is.

You may recall a few months ago, my sister Alice took me on a whistle-stop tour around Chelsea in which we scouted out the local hotspots and uncovered a whole lot of juicy gossip. Filled with stunning food, cocktails and fun, it truly was the ultimate Made In Chelsea experience, and one that I shall never forget.

On account of the fact Alice knocked it out the park for my Birthday, I had a lot to live up to when her 21st rolled around.

Now you may have guessed but I love London with a fiery passion. Along with my other favourite New York, London town is as far as I'm concerned, the most awesome city on the planet. I often hear people disparage our capital, remarking that the air is polluted, the commuters are unfriendly and the drinks are extortionate. And I sometimes wonder, if they would just open their eyes, then perhaps they would see our city for the most beautiful place it is. Brimming with an ocean of exciting things to do and see, London is your proverbial oyster.

In my spare time, I enjoy researching trendy new places to eat and drink, unearthing hidden gems and stumbling upon unique experiences. So I got to work and put together a crazy adventure, incorporating all my sister's favourite things. All I'll say is expect the unexpected...

This time we find ourselves wandering not down the exclusive King's Road but instead the vibrant streets of Soho. With its intriguing heritage and no end of secrets hidden within its cobbles, Soho exudes a quirky and distinctive identity. Back in the Victorian era, this neighbourhood may have been notorious for its seedy goings-on and risqué vibes. However, years of renovation has transformed Soho into a diamond in the rough. And no time does it shine brighter than during the festive season. Also attracting fresh talent and cutting-edge cuisine, Soho has become something of a foodie pilgrimage.

On a crisp December morning, we begin our magical mystery tour at 20 Brewer Street: London's award-winning bakery Cutter & Squidge. Brightly lit with high ceilings and modern decor, a passer-by may mistake this place for another trendy tearoom. Yet, one step over the threshold confirms that it is anything but the ordinary. Using all-natural ingredients, Cutter & Squidge creates an array of scrumptious delights. And let's not forget: they've even gained a piece of Insta-fame, thanks to their signature 'biskies' which are a mouth-watering hybrid of a cake and cookie.

We are served by a lovely girl who explains all the different treats and how they are made. It is an impossible task choosing. However after much deliberation, I settle for a decadent brownie and a matcha latte. Meanwhile my sister opts for a slice of apple cake and my mum goes for a Bakewell tart.

When our food arrives, we cannot help but gape. It's like being back in America, that's how massive the portions are. But being a girl who loves a challenge, I pick up my fork and tuck into the brownie which is about the size of a brick. And oh my God: does it taste every bit as good as it looks.

There is an air of alchemy about the bakery, rendered by perhaps the broomstick propped up in the corner, the glass jars lining the walls or perhaps the row upon row of tantalising cakes. It reminds me somewhat of The Leaky Cauldron from Harry Potter. And by that, I don't mean it resembles a pub full of drunken wizards and witches. Conversely, the tearoom gives the impression of some kind of portal, the gateway between the muggle and wizarding worlds.

Towards the back of the bakery, a set of stairs are just discernible. We are informed that these mysterious stairs lead down to The Potion Room where the real magic transpires. This innovative afternoon tea experience welcomes wizards and witches to an immersive potion class. Guided by your stern and Snape-like potion master, you will mix up bewitching potions and all manner of concoctions. To gain access to this exclusive experience, you will need to purchase tickets online. We do not venture down to The Potion Room however I am left more than a little intrigued to return to Cutter & Squidge.

With an hour to kill before our next appointment, we make our way to the hullabaloo of Oxford Street and inevitably end up in Topshop. Boasting four floors of fashion as well as an in-house DJ, braiding bar and piercing studio, it's not difficult to get lost in this monumental flagship. After a quick browse, we decide to head to Carnaby Street.

This is by far one of my favourite streets in London. It's so bright and colourful and buzzing with activity. Home to a parade of cool shops and boutiques, it's also the destination for serious retail therapy.

Just a stone throw away, our second stop awaits: Cowshed Carnaby spa. I've always been a fan of Cowshed as all their products smell exquisite and feel like such a treat on the skin. Therefore, when I discovered the natural bath and body brand had a number of spas dispersed across London, it didn't take much persuasion to book my sister in for a manicure.

According to the website, the Carnaby spa is 'a little piece of country Heaven in the centre of London'. And that, it most certainly is. Leaving behind the busy streets, we are hit by a symphony of gorgeous aromas, causing all stresses to melt away. It's the perfect escape on a cold winter afternoon. With scrubbed down wooden floors and rustic furnishings, the shop feels like the room of a little cottage, all cosy and inviting. We are welcomed by a friendly receptionist who offers us hot drinks while we wait.

Upstairs, the atmosphere is warm and sociable, charged with peals of laughter and chatter. The room is dominated by six incredibly luxurious and comfortable looking chairs which my mum and I cannot help but eye with envy. However these chairs are exclusively for clients to recline in during their manicures and pedicures. If you fancy something even more therapeutic such as the signature Cowshed facial or a body massage, you can take a hiatus from the hustle and bustle, descending the stairs to one of their tranquil treatment rooms.

Once Alice has been seated, my mum and I head back outdoors for a quick shopping session. First up on my list is The Too Faced store where I test out a deliciously-scented chocolate bronzer. Next, we wander round Liberty's, spraying perfumes and getting samples of Kiehl's Midnight Recovery oil.

We're just about to return to Cowshed when we are stopped by a jovial lady who informs us of a new charity pop-up that has just opened round the corner. Intrigued, I follow her directions and end up at the most heart-warming store called Choose Love. Set up by the charity Help Refugees, this pop-up store invites shoppers to give back and show their support. How it works: shoppers can choose from a range of items such as sleeping bags, life jackets and emergency blankets, which are donated to help refugees. You can also buy gifts to take home such as slogan tees, sweatshirts and artwork, with 100% of profits going to supporting organisations. After purchasing a super cool poster to put on my bedroom wall, I leave the shop, filled with a happy glow.

Back at Cowshed, I find my chilled out sister, waiting for her painted nails to dry. She has chosen a beautiful, scarlet shade which will perfectly compliment her outfit for the party at Ministry of Sound later that week. Although I did not try the Cowshed manicure myself, Alice would definitely recommend. Using a blend of indulgent products to buff, polish and moisturise the cuticles, she said it was the most relaxing and thorough mani she had ever experienced. Plus her therapist Danielle was amazing.

It's raining when we finally leave Cowshed behind. With the aid of our saviour Google Maps, we power walk the short journey to our third stop located on Dean Street: Wagamama Noodle Lab.

I am a serious Wagamamas addict. The other day I met somebody who had never crossed the doors of a Wagamamas, and my first thought was 'oh my God you have not lived'. Quite possibly the king of Katsu, this Pan-Asian restaurant chain has revolutionised the way Britons eat and the spaces we dine in. I mean what is not to love about lightning speed service, rows of long, communal tables and bowls of yummy ramen?

The Dean Street Wagamamas is something else however. Known as Noodle Lab, it invites customers to a truly unique test kitchen experience. In return for your honest feedback, you get to channel your inner food critic and try a banquet of ever-changing dishes before they appear on the public menu. And while most London test kitchens may cost you a bomb, you'll be pleased to know that Noodle Lab is amazingly inexpensive.

For starters, we order two types of bao buns to share. Filled with crispy chicken, crunchy slaw and a Katsu mayo, the first moreish bun packs a punch of chilli. The second bao contains sticky duck, cucumber and Hoisin sauce, a genius creation which mirrors the flavours of a Chinese-style duck pancake.

For mains, we opt to share two noodle dishes. The first consists of lightly battered chicken in a miso sauce, served with noodles and vibrant vegetables. It tastes fresh, healthy and clean on the pallet. Our second dish is crispy shredded duck in a citrus, ponzu sauce, served on a bed of charcoal noodles and stir-fry bok choi. Probably the most unusual of the two, we are all in agreement that this is the star dish of the feast.

The dessert menu also looks to die for, featuring a miso matcha cake and a soufflé cheesecake. Alas, having had sufficient, we regretfully decline, ask for the bill and proceed to fill in our glowing review on the screen.

The night is still young when we brave the cold once more and make it back onto Dean Street. Full of anticipation, we head to our fourth and final destination. Leaving behind the bustling Soho, our detour takes us into the heart of Mayfair.

Situated just off of Regent Street, we are stood outside an 18th century townhouse. Granted, this building may seem a little understated from the pavement side. But don't be fooled by the quaint, Georgian facade.

Pushing your way through a heavy, velvet curtain, it's like taking a tumble down the rabbit hole and finding yourself in the craziest wonderland you've ever set eyes upon: one that makes Lewis Carol's nostalgic masterpiece appear somewhat tame in comparison. Everything about Sketch screams loud, fun and the definition of cool. Serving up quirky breakfast, lunch and dinner in jaw-dropping surroundings, it's the perfect place to snap no end of selfies for the Insta story. Restaurant by day, cocktail bar by night, each room is themed around its own crazy concept. One is a pale pink ballroom; another is a green forest, resembling the set of A Midsummer Night's Dream; and a third is like a futuristic space pod. An amalgam of eccentric artwork, luridly upholstered chairs, mirrored table-tops and imaginative architecture, it is the weirdest and most fantastical fairy-tale ever.

We end up seated in The Parlour which is a stunningly elegant room. With dramatic, orchestral music playing over the speakers, it feels like being in the midst of a Victorian tea party. The decor is ultimately classical. However, certain touches give a whimsical, Mad Hatter edge to what is a very refined setting. Everywhere you look there are splashes of neon. And let's not forget, the plush chairs are sporting legs with ballet shoes en pointe.

As we sip our delicious drinks and enjoy the music, there is also some entertainment. Out of nowhere, a ballerina begins pirouetting her way around the room. Definitely not what you would expect to see on a night out in a Mayfair bar: that's for sure.

After finishing our drinks and delightful petit fours, we decide to explore a little further and use the bathroom. Now, when I told people I was coming to Sketch, those who had heard of it were adamant that I should use the facilities there, which I must say seemed a little strange at the time. However, it all becomes a bit clearer as we find ourselves passing handbags to be checked by a security lady and then subsequently joining a queue that feels like being back at Disney. I'm just contemplating why it is necessary to have such high security when at last we are ushered through to the famous ladies'. Nothing could have prepared us for the spectacle which lay ahead.

Each toilet cubicle is shaped like a circular pod and are designed to resemble dinosaur eggs. Yes, you heard me. After queuing again, I finally take my turn in the crazy loo. And while I understand you do not require an in-depth description of what ensues, I will just say it was the coolest toilet experience and one that I would happily spend a penny for.

Sketch was the most awesome finale to our adventure, but it's time to return back to mundane reality. So weary and contented, we call it a day and catch the train home.