Home Remedies for Glowing Skin and a Glowing Soul Part 1

Thursday 31 January 2019


Hello beauties

Is it just me or can life get pretty stressful sometimes? I'm in my first year of A levels which means inevitably, the essays are coming thick and fast. As a driven person, I'm prepared to work hard and do whatever it takes to get where I want to be. However on top of the work flow and looming deadlines, we're inundated with a million and one things to do, people to see, problems to solve. And of course, I'm not saying these are all bad things by any means. We need our friends and family more than anything in the world (apart from food and water, naturally). But the fact remains that it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain a healthy equilibrium between our work and social lives.

It's not just the palpable pressures that can manifest stress. Sometimes, it's the underlying emotional pressures which can do the most damage to our well-being. As I've explored before, we live in a society now that is immersed in unrealistic beauty and insidious ideals. Whether it be through social media or magazines, it is morphing body image and inciting a firestorm of anxiety about everything from how we look, to what we eat, to how much exercise we should be doing.

When all these combined pressures build up, it can feel really overwhelming. We try to divide all our time and energy between friends, family, work, gym, social media, cooking, sleeping and so much more in our hectic lives. Yet if we try to put 100% into everything we do, all we're creating is an exponential equation of stress.

It's not often that we can find time to take a step back from it all and have a bit of well-earned me-time. I cannot 'stress' the importance that we should be congratulating ourselves, rewarding ourselves and acknowledging daily how goddamned amazing we are. Without that self-love, we will never reach our full potential.

The most simple way to manage stress is to say no to more things, to put yourself first every once in a while and just give yourself that time of day. Honestly, you will feel so much better for it. When I'm stressed, my typical routine is that I do a lot of Pilates, eat a lot of dark chocolate and watch a lot of reality TV (Made In Chelsea all the way). But for me, the ultimate way to de-stress is to have a good pampering sesh.

In today's post, I'm going to be showing you how you can turn your humble abode into a fully-fledged spa.

Although I buy loads of products, I also love to use natural ingredients on my skin since they do not contain harmful chemicals or irritants. You might be thinking that DIY beauty treatments sound like a whole lot of effort but trust me they're so worth it. For one thing, making the recipes is super therapeutic and fun. Made from inexpensive, store-cupboard ingredients, each of these skincare treatments will give glowing results and help relax the mind without breaking the bank. So grab a spoon and a mixing bowl, grab some scented candles, put on a Spotify spa playlist and relax...


Arguably the most essential step to your skincare routine, a morning and evening cleanse will help detoxify the skin and get rid of excess oils, dirt and pollutants built up over the course of the day. This DIY honey and aloe vera cleanser is super easy to make and is suitable for all skin types.

Why Is It Good?

• Including aloe vera in your daily skincare routine will keep your skin clear and silky smooth. As well as being moisturising, aloe vera is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which helps reduce redness, even out complexion and clear skin of blemishes.
• Honey is quite possibly the Queen B of skincare. Naturally anti-bacterial, she is a powerful treatment for a number of conditions such as acne. Packing a punch of vitamins, minerals and antioxidant, honey intensely hydrates and nourishes the skin giving you a natural glow.

What You Need:

3 oz honey
3 oz aloe vera gel
1 tbsp coconut oil (if you don't have this, you can substitute for extra virgin olive oil, sweet almond oil, Jojoba oil, or avocado oil)

How To Make It

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl until well combined. And that's it. This cleanser can be stored in a sealed jar or air-tight container at room temperature for a couple of months. If you are using fresh aloe vera, store cleanser in the fridge to preserve the aloe.

Before applying, shake the cleanser. Using a spoon, take a small amount of cleanser (about the size of a pea) and massage into the face. Leave for a minute to absorb the goodness. Gently remove the cleanser. Rinse, and pat dry with a soft towel.


There are a number of conflicting ideas about what a toner really does. And some have even questioned whether it is necessary at all. Well, I'm here to tell you sister, that toner is your best friend. After cleansing, a cotton pad doused in this underrated little potion will help close the pores, restore the Ph of your skin and reduce cleanser residue.

Green Tea, Lemongrass Toner

Used by the likes of the Victoria Secret angels, this easy, natural toner is a must-try.

Why Is It Good?

• Green tea is not just a Beveridge; it's a magical drink for the skin? Abundant in antioxidant, it helps to heal and protect damaged skin from environmental stresses, in turn slowing down the process of premature ageing. As well as having anti-microbial qualities, it also contains tannins which act as an astringent, removing excess oils, tightening pores and mattifying the skin.
• Lemongrass is also a key ingredient to brighten up your day and your skin. Frequently used in aromatherapy, lemongrass is renowned for its invigorating scent, helping to calm the mind and balance mood. In addition, its antiseptic properties help to clear skin of breakouts and prevent future ones from appearing.

What You Will Need:

1 cup water
2 green teabags
2 stalks lemongrass, finely chopped
Cotton pads

How To Make It:

• In a medium saucepan, place the water and lemongrass, and bring to the boil.
• Once boiling, take off the heat and drop in the green tea bags. Let steep for 3-5 minutes.
• Remove tea bag and allow to cool slightly.
• Place cotton pads into the pan and leave them to soak up the liquid for an hour or so. When they're ready, take the cotton pads out, put them in a zip-lock bag and place in the freezer overnight. In the morning, get a pad out and rub it all over your face after cleansing. This feels really cooling and soothing on the skin, a perfect way to start the day.

• An alternative way of doing this method is: after making the tea, pour the water into an ice cube tray. Freeze for at least two hours or overnight. Once frozen, pop out a cube and rub the ice cube in circular motions around your face. I like to hold it on each eye for about ten seconds each, too. When ice cube is almost melted or you just can't take the cold longer, pat your face dry with a clean cloth.

Apple Cider Vinegar Toner

Yep, I know it sounds kinda weird but stay with me on this one.

Why Is It Good?

• The acids present in ACV exfoliate dead skin and reveals a fresh, healthy layer of skin cells.
• ACV is also an astringent and will prevent your pores from getting infected and inflamed.

How To Make It:

• Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar with one part water.
• Soak a cotton ball in the liquid and swipe over the face.
• Leave overnight and wash off in the morning.

Caution: If you have sensitive skin, it's probably best to go with the green tea. But if you have normal to combination skin, this ACV alternative is really effective.


The honey and aloe cleanser is nourishing on its own so it's not essential that you moisturise as well. However, if you feel you need an extra boost of hydration, then a dab of coconut oil will do the trick.

Why Is It Good?

 • Coconut oil has antimicrobial properties which will keep the skin clean and infection-free.
• It also protects your skin from UV rays.


It's important to exfoliate 2-3 times a week, in order to get rid of dead skin which can clog the pores. A weekly scrub is also going to brighten your complexion no end.

Almond Scrub

Why Is It Good?

• Massaging ground almonds and wheat germ into the skin stimulates release of vitamin E. This is essential for skin health.
• Lemon is rich in vitamin C which acts as a skin brightening agent.

What You Will Need:

30g ground almonds
20g wheat germ or oat bran
8 tbsp honey
zest of 1 unwaxed lemon

How To Make It:

• Mix together the ingredients till well combined.
• Store in a jar or air-tight container.

Stay tuned for part 2 where I share my gorgeous home-made glow masks and more. xx

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